vineri, 16 februarie 2018

Iz de primăvară...

9 comentarii:

  1. I would like to buy and put a spring bouquet at home. :)

  2. I-ar fi priit cateva buchetele luate! Poate urmatorii trecatori...

    ps. Portalul cu ghiocei a disparut... Cred ca s-a inchis!

  3. This old lady is trying to earn a few leu.
    I feel so much for her.
    I would buy all flowers from her...
    This is a photograph with a great and sad story.

  4. Seems like a sad mix of old world and new. I would buy the flowers!

  5. Es primavera y también pobreza. Ninguna anciana tendría que hacer ese trabajo para poder subsistir. Excelente foto denuncia.
    un abrazo.

  6. Enterprise... Judging by her warm clothing she has plans to remain there until everything is sold.

  7. Și tinerii trecători se îndepărtează nepăsători...
