sâmbătă, 3 februarie 2018

Cafea vs. www...

8 comentarii:

  1. Cate activitati simultane! Totusi www... pare sa fie prioritara! :)

    Un weekend simpatic!

  2. Now, probably young people will not live without a WWW. (Pepa does not go after cats, but he does nothing but barking.)

  3. The smartphone has become a versatile tool that is always in use.
    Can not drink coffee without a phone.;)

    Nice photo!

  4. Foto que denuncia un triste realidad, nos estamos convirtiendo en esclavos de las tecnologías.
    Un abrazo.

  5. He created her own cafe where she can enjoy
    conversations with her friends and watch life passing by for free.
    Excellent photo!

  6. Una instantánea callejera que es un perfecto retrato de la realidad actual en la que el smartphone nos impide hasta disfrutar de un buen café.
    Un abrazo,
