duminică, 9 august 2020


10 comentarii:

  1. She probably paid good money to have holes in her pants.

  2. Ce imagine faina...distanta dintre "tehnologii" :) de la "calatoarea cu matura" la cea de pe trotineta electrica...si fiecare e pe "drumul" ei... :D Bravo Cataline...asta-mi place mie la street photography, imaginea te ajuta sa te joci cu imaginatia :D

  3. Una fotografía de contrastes. Lo antiguo (la escoba y el recogedor) frente a lo moderno (el patinete eléctrico). Aunque parece que ni lo nuevo ni lo viejuno están por la responsabilidad social contra el COVID19.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  4. Very nice picture... Happy week ahead.. :-)))

  5. It is curious how people continue to make fun of both the mask and COVID-19 issues, the lack of common sense will make us pay dearly.

    Utopian hug.-

  6. Hermosa fotografía.
    Representa la belleza de caminar por la calle 🙂

  7. It's interesting that a woman with a broom absorbs all your attention.
    She is an interesting character.

  8. Loved all your new photos . I would love a motorized scooter to go around on. We had a young guy who works down in town and every night at almost 7:47 on the dot he is driving it up our steep mountain road to go to his house. I hear it every night and think some night I'll surprise him and be out and wave at him.
