luni, 19 martie 2018

Relaxare 100 %...

Să-ți fiu briză răcoroasă
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Chipul meu!
                   (Ana Kos, Vânt de iubire)

6 comentarii:

  1. Bine ca sta cu spatele la afis. Asa, poate citi linistita! :)

  2. That is an outstanding photograph!
    Juxtaposition is simply brilliant!
    Girls on the poster are looking at you with a bold expression on their faces.
    And a girl at the table is so poise and gentle.

  3. Excelente encuadre y acertado formato. Esos tonos marrones le dan un cierto aire vintage a la fotografía.
    Un abrazo.


  4. ·.
    A superb photograph in which two planes are contrasted. The beautiful young woman focused on reading is the counterpoint.


    La Mirada Ausente · & · Cristal Rasgado

  5. Mientras las modelos del cartel miran a cámara, la modelo de carne y hueso se muestra concentrada en la lectura ajena a todo lo demá.
    Un abrazo,
