vineri, 26 decembrie 2014

Cel mai bun sandwich...

10 comentarii:

  1. :)) Le-ai ...nimerit pe domnișoare exact atunci când mănâncă!

  2. Sandwich-ul e bun numai cu espresso si tigara...:) la caldura!

  3. Sublimul momentului de relaxare... :)

    Sarbatori cu bucurie in continuare!

  4. Era o vorba:dupa-o masa boiesresca, o tigara maraseasca...

  5. Hey again,

    I see that you are still very active on your blog. Nice to see your last posts ;-)
    As you might have noticed, I'm not that active on my blog anymore. I still have two blogspot pages for my photos and I am very active on my Google Plus page. I can tell you that Google Plus is a nice way to meet other photographers and bloggers. Do you know that you can show your new messages of your blogspot page automatically on Google Plus?

    I am looking forward to welcoming you on my page:

    Greetings from the Netherlands! ;-)
    Gert Jan

  6. "mananca" fetele de suparare... :)
